How to Make Homemade Dough

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Helpful Pizza Crust Tools

Making the perfect pizza crust can be easier with some helpful tools. What you bake your pizza crust on can make a big difference in taste. Pizza stones consistently heat through, making for a nice crust and a great taste. They also keep the pizza warmer, longer.

If you like a thinner pizza crust then a fun tool to use is a pizza docker. Because you don't want your pizza crust to inflate, use the pizza docker to "prick" the middle of the crust (but not the edge). This will keep the crust from blistering and bubbling.

If you have ever tried to get a pizza in and out of an oven, you know it can be tricky. A pizza peel, also known as a pizza shovel, will make the job simple. This is a long-handled, wide spatula-like tool that makes handling a pizza safer and easier. Pizza peels can either be made from wood or metal.

To make the pizza slide off a pizza peel easier you can either coat it with cornmeal or place the dough on parchment paper. The parchment paper can then go into the oven with the pizza, right on top of your baking stone.