How to Make Homemade Dough

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For a thinner crust, the dough should first be refrigerated. Roll the dough out as thin as you prefer and don't allow it to rise. Quickly put on your toppings and get it into the oven.

Flavorful Pizza Crusts

You can also make some really flavorful pizza crusts by adding delicious ingredients to your dough. If you like the taste of garlic, mince two garlic cloves and add to your dough. Herbs also provide some great flavor. Some delicious choices include:

  • Oregano
  • Basil
  • Grated parmesan cheese
  • Chives
  • Parsley
  • Thyme

Extra-virgin olive oil can also add a nice hint of flavor. Simply use a pastry brush to "paint" the dough after it has been rolled out. You can also add touches like poppy seeds or toasted sesame seeds to the edges of the dough for a mild nutty flavor and satisfying crunch. For a richer flavor, brush the edges with melted butter and sprinkle with garlic salt and parmesan cheese.

Cheese Stuffed Crusts

Making a cheese stuffed pizza crust is easy. Once the dough has been rolled out to the shape you like, go around the edges of the dough and line with your favorite cheese. String cheese works great. Make sure that you don't place the cheese right to the edge because you need to be able to fold the dough over the cheese. Moisten the edge of the dough with water and then fold it over the cheese, completely covering it.