Healthy, Soothing Hot Drinks

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If you own an espresso maker, consider using a caffeine-free coffee substitute like Teecino and making a latte. It's delicious, non-stimulating and very comforting. Even if you don't own an espresso maker, you can brew Teecino in a tea ball, heat milk in a saucepan, and have nearly identical warm, soothing results. For those who need sweetness, a low-cal sugar substitute does very nicely.

When out and about, espresso calls from nearly every corner and it is tempting, but most of those places specialize in drinks that are diet disasters. However, they often have a nice selection of hot teas to choose from (really gourmet ones in many places), so you can still enjoy a soothing hot drink. Especially during the fall season, espresso shops offer hot apple cider - just leave out the diet-busting caramel. Try a steamer - frothy skim or soy milk and a shot of sugar-free flavor, like vanilla or raspberry. If you're a coffee fanatic, a latte isn't so bad if you forgo the whipped cream and have a sugar-free flavor. Remember to practice moderation, and if you're trying to lose weight, stick with the tea.

When the chill has crept into your bones, a hot drink dispels it quick as a wink. So don't get the hot chocolate blues. Seek variety and enjoy a healthy hot drink.