Beautiful Beans: Great for your Health

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The mighty bean is a high-protein superstar. Just a quarter cup serving of any beans yields the same protein as an ounce of meat. Vegetarians already know how important they are to their diet. Others are just starting to understand the versatility and savings through the use of the economical bean.

Besides protein, there is an abundance of nutritional value in beans. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, they have a high antioxidant value, the highest can be found in red, pinto, kidney and black beans.

There are four grams of soluble fiber and only 200 calories in a cup of cooked beans. That means they are beneficial in reducing blood cholesterol and good for the waistline. Beans are a rich source of vitamins and minerals, as well as low in sodium and fat. The digestibility of beans is greatly enhanced when serving them with a grain source, such as bread, tortillas and rice. The good news is that a pound of almost any kind of beans can be purchased for less than a dollar.

Cook one pot of beans in your crockpot and use it all week in different dishes.