Smoking Cessation Products: The Hidden Dangers

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Electronic Cigarettes 

E-cigarettes are a hot new product that many people believe will help them quit smoking. Because they do not contain tobacco, many smokers believe they are safer than cigarettes and will help them wean off actual tobacco cigarettes. 

However, the FDA does not regulate these devices, and a study published in the JAMA Internal Medicine journal found that self-reports from 949 smokers, 88 of whom used e-cigs, indicated that the e-cigarette users showed no better rate of smoking cessation than the others in the study. 

Some researchers believe that e-cigarettes may have the opposite effect on smoking cessation by providing the false impression that they are healthier. While it is true that these products are less toxic than tobacco, they still contain nicotine and produce many of the adverse effects of cigarettes such as an increased risk of cancer. 

There is also concern that non-smokers may begin e-cigarette use as a socially acceptable and safer way to smoke and develop a nicotine dependency through e-cigarette use.