MUST-READ: Signs You Need Glasses

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Hyperopia, or farsightedness, is a vision problem in which close objects are seen as blurry or out of focus, while objects in the distance appear clearly. Like nearsightedness, farsightedness is caused by a misshapen eyeball; in this case, hyperopia is caused by an eyeball that is too short or a cornea that isn't curved enough. Light that enters the eye is not correctly focused, so nearby objects appear blurry. 

Symptoms of hyperopia specifically include trouble concentrating and keeping focused on close-up objects, eyestrain, eye tiredness or headaches after doing close work. Also, burning or aching of the eye and nervousness or irritability after doing close work are also signs of farsightedness. 

What's troubling is that typical vision screenings -- like those done in schools -- are usually not great at diagnosing or detecting hyperopia. You'll have to have a full screening done by an optometrist to know if you are nearsighted.