MUST-READ: Signs You Need Glasses

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So many questions! So many different signs you may need glasses. 

DIY Home Vision Tests 

Beyond the questions above, there are several more "tests" to check if you need glasses. 

The Book Test: Where do you hold books or reading material? If you hold reading material more than 10 or 12 inches from your face, you may need a pair of reading glasses. If you have to hold a book far from your eyes in order to focus on the words, glasses might help. 

The Task Test: Beyond reading, if you tend to have problems doing close-up tasks or projects such as drawing, writing or sewing, it is also possible that a pair of glasses could help. 

The Headache Test: Do you find yourself getting headaches frequently? Are your eyes fatigued after you have spent time looking at a nearby object? Your body could be giving you a sign that you need glasses.