How Much Vitamin C Do You Really Need?

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Vitamin C Sources 

Here's some food for thought. You can also get your daily dose of vitamin C through diet. Vitamin C is a naturally occurring vitamin in many fruits and vegetables. Oranges are perhaps the most well-known source of vitamin C in a fruit; a medium-sized, fresh orange contains an average of 70 mg of vitamin C, which is enough to satisfy children's and teens' daily dietary needs and nearly enough to fulfill women's dietary needs. 

Other foods rich in vitamin C include: 

  • citrus fruits;
  • melon;
  • red and green peppers;
  • broccoli; and
  • strawberries. 

Vitamin C-fortified foods, such as breads, cereal and dietary supplements are another available source. Many multivitamins contain extra vitamin C, and it is sold in pure form as a capsule or powder.