Dear Dairy: 5 Bennies You May Not Know

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Benefit 4: Dairy Intake May Protect Against Cancer 

We've all heard about foods that reduce the risk of cancer. But most people probably wouldn't expect milk to be on that list. 

The Dairy Council in the UK reports "considerable evidence" that seems to suggest milk is protective against risk of colorectal and breast cancer. 

It cites a study of 45,000 Swedish men who drank at least 1.5 glasses of milk daily (about 10.5 glasses a week). The researchers found they had a 35 percent lower risk of colorectal cancer than those who drank less than two glasses of milk each week. All that for just a bowl of cereal (and drinking the milk with it) and a glass of milk before bed. 

Another study the Dairy Council cites involved 40,000 Norwegian women. The study found a dramatic reduction in the incidence of breast cancer among women who drank milk as children and continued to consume milk into adulthood. Why might milk be protective? Quite possibly, the natural fat, CLA (conjugated linoleic acid), might be responsible. That particular fat might protect against colon cancer as well.