5 Ways to Prevent Choking

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Cough It Out or Perform the Heimlich Maneuver 

Know how to respond to a choking incident. If the airway is only partially blocked, the person choking may be able to cough out the obstruction. At the first sign of trouble, coughing may help dislodge the item and clear the airway. When this doesn't work, call 9-1-1 for emergency help. 

If the person has a fully blocked airway, he or she will be unable to talk or breathe. This requires emergency help. Tell someone to call 9-1-1 and begin performing the Heimlich maneuver. 

MedlinePlus recommends wrapping your arms around the person's waist, placing a fist, thumb side in, just below the navel, and placing your other hand on top of your fist. Then forcefully pull upward and inward. Repeat until you expel the obstruction. You can receive lifesaving and first-aid training in most communities through a community center, Red Cross or other organization.