Bariatric Surgery

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In fact, it is estimated that more than 175,000 patients will go through gastric bypass and gastric bands in 2007.

It is important to know that bariatric surgery is not for the individual struggling with an extra 20 pounds. Patients of the surgery must be deemed morbidly obese - more than 100 pounds overweight. Because obesity puts men and women at risk for heart disease, diabetes, cancer and other deadly diseases, the surgery can literally save a person's life when they have tried every diet under the sun and still continue to struggle from obesity-related illnesses.

In order to be considered for bariatric surgery, you should have a body mass index of 40 or higher. Or your BMI should be between 35 to 39.9, and you should be suffering from weight-related issues like diabetes or high blood pressure. It is important to note that even with gastric bypass surgery you still have to follow a healthy eating regimen and engage in regular exercise -- the success of your surgery depends on it.

Prior to getting approval for gastric bypass surgery, patients must meet with a team of doctor including a physician, dietitian, psychologist and a surgeon to determine if they are good candidates for the surgery.

There are mainly two divisions of weight loss surgery: restriction operations and gastric bypass operations. With restriction operations (gastric banding and vertical banded gastroplasty), food intake is restricted by creating a small pouch at the top of the stomach where the food enters from the esophagus.