Hot Places to Have Sex

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There was a time when you and your partner could've fried eggs on your bed sheets with all the heat and passion you generated in the bedroom. These days, you're lucky if you can pencil in a romantic rendezvous between your household chores, work obligations, and the warm glow of your TV.

If this about sums it up, don't feel bad. You are not alone in your relationship rut. Sexually speaking, it's not unusual for couples to peak, then plateau. But if you're looking to improve your sex life, the answer may be as simple as finding a few hot new places to have sex. It's amazing what a simple change of scenery can do to spice up your sex life.

Revving Up Your Sex Life After Having Kids

A lot of committed couples experience a slow-down-if not altogether halt-of their sex lives when a baby arrives. This is not uncommon, as babies (and kids) require a lot of work, and childcare can cause significant disruptions in sleeping patterns, not to mention impacting your alone time.

If your sex problems center on childrearing restrictions, such as feeling like you never have time for fun, creative sex, it's time to think about what you can do to shake things up a bit. Listed below are a few tips on recharging your sexual batteries: