Your Ideal Weight Isn't What You Think It Is

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As an example, consider these two characters: Jay Cutler (a professional bodybuilder) and Fat Albert. Both are 5'9," both weigh 265 lbs. and let's say that both of them are 32 years old. (These are the real statistics for Jay.) Using the old ideal weight chart designed by the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, we find that both of these men are clinically obese.

In reality, Fat Albert really is obese while Jay Cutler is one of the healthiest people on the planet. The error is that the height weight chart doesn't account for differences in body composition; it only measures weight. Therefore, without taking lean body weight vs. fat body weight into account, it's impossible for the bathroom scale to tell you if you're at your ideal body weight or not. More importantly, when you do begin to lose weight fast the scale will never be able to tell you if you're experiencing fat loss or muscle loss.

What Is BMI, And Why Should I Care?

Body Mass Index (BMI) is a relationship between weight and height that is associated with body fat and health risk.