Foods That Fight Aging

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Olive oil, the best your budget allows, should replace almost every other cooking oil in your pantry (you'll need a second oil, like peanut or sesame, for high-heat cooking, as olive oil will break down at high temperatures.) It's in the family of omega-3 fats, which are anti-inflammatory, as opposed to lard, butter or other vegetable oils, which can increase inflammation. So it's good for your heart, your immune system, and your skin. And many Mediterranean women swear that using olive oil as a moisturizer gives them their beautiful complexions.

Get to know your greens. Kale, and other leafy green vegetables like Swiss chard, spinach and collard greens, not only are powerful antioxidants (antioxidants slow the aging process of your cells), but also help rid your body of environmental toxins that can be detrimental to your health.

Learn to love cruciferous veggies, like cauliflower, broccoli and Brussels sprouts. They contain compounds called sulforaphanes, another important family of antioxidants that helps rid your body of toxins that may cause disease. And good news for people who want to buy organic but need to watch their pocketbooks - this group of vegetables absorbs the least amount of pesticides, so you can save a few bucks by getting the "regular" broccoli.