10 Reasons to Eat Apples

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According to the Washington Apple Commission, the sweetest of the common commercial variety are: 

  • Gala;
  • Fuji;
  • Cameo; and
  • Golden Delicious. 

If you’re looking for sweet with a hint of tart, try: 

  • Red Delicious;
  • Braeburn;
  • Honeycrisp; and
  • Cripps Pink. 

Finally, the iconic Granny Smith apple has the signature tart flavor that works wonders in pies! 

1. Apples are Rich in Fiber 

Apples have been cited as a positive dietary choice to help combat or prevent several diseases or conditions, simply because of their fiber content. Fiber is an essential part of a healthy diet because it helps eliminate waste from the body by cleaning out the digestive tract. 

Some studies have suggested that people who have fiber-rich diets tend to have fewer occurrences of gallstones, irritable bowel syndrome and hemorrhoids. Fiber aids in detoxifying and cleansing the gastrointestinal tract and the body's filtration systems like the liver and assist in removing heavy metals like lead and mercury.