10 Reasons to Eat Apples

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7. Apples May Have Anti-Inflammatory Properties 

The quercetin flavonoid prominent in apples has been found to help decrease inflammation, which is a common condition for those with asthma, arthritis and many other health conditions. Inflammation is also an issue for many cancer patients, and quercetin has been found to help reduce this swelling, which may damage healthy cells. 

6. Apples are Rich in Antioxidants 

Most polyphenols in apples function as antioxidants, which are important compounds that support your immune system and cell health. The antioxidants in apples are especially helpful in decreasing the oxidation of cell membrane fats, which can reduce the risk of arteries clogging. Antioxidants in apples have also been shown to decrease the risk of asthma and lung cancer.