Hot Summer Workouts

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Get to work!

Working is more than your 9-5 job. There are many things that you can do around the house that can count as a workout, even though they may be considered chores. Physical labor can tone the body in many ways, plus you will get a sense of accomplishment and pride when things look great. Work in a garden or do yardwork on a regular basis. Maintaining a beautiful yard can be very gratifying exercise.

Join in on some athletics.

Sports are a terrific way to work out in the summertime. You can play basketball, football, soccer, golf or any sport your heart desires. You can join a recreation league or play with friends just for fun. Regardless of how you do it, you can't go wrong with sports.

Go bargain hunting!

Let's face it, shopping is fun, and summer offers some great second-hand deals. Why not incorporate exercise and shopping? You can do this by walking around local malls or shopping at flea markets. Because there are many booths or shops to choose from, you will certainly get a lot of walking in. Block yard sales also keep you walking, combing the street for deals. Check your local paper for the big sales.