Am I In Love?

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And while Dr. Kirschner might be a romantic, one theory she doesn't buy into is love at first sight. Call it lust or infatuation - but don't call it love. Even if you're completely smitten, it's important that you resist the urge to play deep.

Says Dr. Kirschner: "I would say protect yourself because you don't know who this person is, whether they like you, if they're into you for the long-term or what their goal is. Take things very slow and see two other people. Date others until you notice there is two months of consistently improving contact with this person. You don't know what you're dealing - he could be a player, a commitment-phobe or a narcissist. There are all types."

Where Is The Love?
In the heat of the moment, you may be seeing red... as in red flags. Dr. Kirschner says there are warning signs that indicate it's not love after all. It isn't love when...