PAM Will Save Calories

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Meet PAM. You can't imagine foregoing butter. After all, how will you saute'' your meats and vegetables? How will you grease those baking pans? Well, meet PAM, a fat-free cooking spray that comes in Original, Butter, Olive Oil and two other flavors. With PAM, you can eliminate the need for other unhealthy fats. Butter is a "natural" product that comes from animals, but it also contains 7 grams of saturated fat. And if you think you're off the hook because you use margarine instead, then think again. Many are loaded with unhealthy trans fats - stick margarine can contain up to 3 grams. In recent years, the level of trans fats has improved in margarines, but they're still high in calories. On the other hand, one one-second spray of PAM has no fat and seven calories, while a teaspoon of butter has 104 calories and 11.5 grams of fat.