Have Sweet Dreams with Better Sleep Month

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You may not know it, but May is actually Better Sleep Month. It's not just a good excuse to go out and get a new pillow - it's also an opportunity to take an eye-opening look at your sleep habits. Sleep is an important component of good health. According to the Harvard Women's Health Watch, an estimated 75% of people have difficulty getting some good shut-eye at least a few nights a week. And the problems go beyond too many hours counting sheep. A lack of sleep on a regular basis can contribute to weight gain, high blood pressure and a compromised immune system. And the problems don't stop there; too few ZZZs can also lead to mood changes, memory loss and a lack of concentration while doing important tasks like driving. The average person requires 7 to 8 hours of sleep a night. However, if you're feeling sleepy during the day, you may need more. There are some folks who function at their best with 10 hours of sleep, while others require far less. If you're looking to get some better sleep, here are some helpful hints, according to the Better Sleep Council. Get on a consistent sleep schedule, both during the week and on the weekends.