A Crash Course in Time Management

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Learn time management. When you have a thousand things to do, it can feel like there just aren't enough hours in the day. You wake up, get the kids ready for school, go to work, come home from work, cook dinner, help the kids with their homework, get them ready for bed and before you know it, the day is done. Time for exercise? That's a joke. You think you'll never be able to do it all. Unfortunately, it's often your best laid fitness plans that are first to go. The secret is to slip your routine into your daily regimen. Maybe you have an hour window after you drop off the kids and before you punch the time clock. Even if you don't have time to hit the gym, go for a walk or a run. If you're saddled with the kids all day long, take them for a walk. Or even better, wait until your partner gets home and ask him to watch the kids while you head out for a workout.